Novice Study Guide

Basic objects


Colors, 1-5, a few objects and basic verbs

Basic Clothing Sentences

Menominee Language Manual has a lot of basic objects and other constructs shown, and is aimed at teachers of elementary school students. Table of contents is on page 19 of the pdf. The other sections of the manual may be referenced later, but can also be found here.

Names of common food and drink items

Table talk includes foods in its phrases

Words for common actions

Basic verbs are near the bottom of the list

Basic expressions including different forms of the verb, in phrases

Common greetings and farewell expressions

Introductions and Short Phrases

Basic greetings and expressions Includes things about basic verbs, who you are, the months, etc.

Basic warnings and commands


The most basic words describing size, color, or age


Count to 10

How Many Rabbits is aimed at children

Order food

Table talk is more for at the table with family/friends than at a restaurant

Prayer for food

The alphabet

Menomonie sounds and Menomonie writing goes into depth about the letters

Menomonie alphabet book – elementary level might be a bit easier to understand, but note that it doesn’t include how the letters sound

Time and Dates

Months at bottom of page


Moon or Month

Simple questions and statements from the words above

Basic questions are in the table

Questions is filed under ‘Intermediate’

Name groups of people

Nouns has animals as well

Say where you are from

Place Names (Particularly useful if you live in Wisconsin)


Not Included in Above:

  • Be able to fill out travel forms
  • Read maps, schedules/time-tables, road signs, basic shop signs

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